任何個人資料的收集將按本集團的《個人資料收集聲明》的條款所進行。倘若在使用本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)、查詢或申請本集團內不同服務時需要收集個人資料,用戶將會透過《個人資料收集聲明》而獲悉有關之目的及用途,包括資料之傳送及披露程序、存取及更正所收集個人資料之權利。
為用戶於本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)提供度身訂造及切合個人需要之服務,我們利用Session儲存及追蹤有關用戶之資料。以Session收集之資料包括用戶登入名稱及其導航模式。此舉可於用戶不察覺的情況下進行。一般而言,我們利用Sessions去估計使用人數,在宣傳活動中跟進用戶之進度及上網人數,了解用戶瀏覽或使用個別服務之次數,及估量用戶之上網模式。
本集團之政策乃保障本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)所收集之一切資料。個人資料將會安全穩妥儲存於我們的系統內,而本集團將採取所有切實可行的步驟,以確保個人資料的保存時間不超過該資料被使用於或會被使用於的目的(包括任何直接有關的目的)所需的時間。只有經培訓及獲授權的職員才可獲准查閱該等個人資料,除《個人資料收集聲明》所載之人士除外,我們不會向任何本集團以外的人士發佈該等個人資料。
用戶可能於本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)中接觸到由第三方服務供應商及內容供應商(「第三方服務供應商」)所提供的第三方服務及/或內容(「第三方服務」)。該等第三方服務供應商可於用戶使用第三方服務時收集有關用戶之個人資料。該等第三方服務供應商乃遵從其本身之私隱政策及慣例,而本集團的《私隱政策聲明》及《個人資料收集聲明》並不涵蓋該等第三方服務供應商的私隱政策及慣例。
本集團可能會不時通過本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)提供或發放我們認為用戶可能感興趣有關我們的商場、保險服務、物業發展、租賃和管理業務以及本集團其他產品、服務、節目、活動的促銷和宣傳資訊。用戶可在安裝本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)時選擇接收此類直接促銷和宣傳資訊。通過本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)提供宣傳和直接促銷資訊時,用戶資料一般不會以識別用戶身份的形式向外披露或傳送,但倘若會,我們將會在傳送時說明收集的用戶資料、收集的目的、以及傳送範圍。閣下可通過本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)的“設定”頁面隨時更改是否接收這些直接促銷資訊。請仔細閱讀我們的“個人資料收集聲明”中有關直接促銷的範圍和其他相關事項的條文,並就直接促銷按本人意願自行作出選擇。
本聲明只適用於本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)。倘若閣下按下任何網站連結或宣傳資訊而進入其他網站,我們將不負責保護閣下於其他網站的個人資料私隱及會否受到「cookies」的影響。閣下應自行參閱相關網站的私隱政策和個人信息收集聲明。
用戶有權根據第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》之條文要求查閱及改正其個人資料。閣下有權要求查閱或改正我們所持有關於閣下之資料。倘若閣下需要查閱我們是否持有閣下之個人資料,又或者想查閱或改正閣下之個人資料,請以書面電郵到 hongyip@hongyip.com 或郵寄到九龍觀塘巧明街95號世達中心16樓帝譽服務有限公司人力資源及行政部收。我們可能為處理查閱資料要求而收取不超乎適度的費用。
新鴻基地產發展有限公司、其附屬公司及聯營公司包括「帝譽服務有限公司」(以下統稱「我們」、「我們之」或「本集團」) 一同作為資料使用者致力於維護本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)之用戶 (「閣下」或「用戶」) 的資料私隱。本聲明乃遵照香港特別行政區法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(「條例」)之要求而發表,以在收集個人資料時通知用戶若干事項。本聲明會不時更改,故請定期查閱。用戶每次登入本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)使用其服務時,即表示同意接受當時有效之本聲明約束。在本聲明中,「個人資料」一詞與條例中對該詞的定義相同。
本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)中展示的某些資訊,例如天氣資訊,是由第三方內容及服務供應商負責提供。本《個人資料收集聲明》並不涵蓋第三方內容及服務供應商。請參閱該等第三方內容及服務供應商的個人資料收集聲明以了解他們如何收集和使用個人資料。
本集團為用戶登記使用本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)並向其提供本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)的個人化服務和功能,例如「餐飲」及「設施和活動預訂」(「個人物業管理服務」),而收集用戶之個人資料。
- 提供本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)並為閣下登記使用本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp);
- 提供本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)的服務、功能和特色,包括個人物業管理服務,並處理閣下之申請、要求和查詢;
- 物業管理和保安,包括在有需要時核實身份;
- 辦理帳務及付款;
- 監察本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)之使用情況以促進本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)之未來發展;
- 發送通知、通訊及為整體客戶關係管理維持聯繫;
- 提供和管理會籍、優惠、獎賞、推廣、禮品、折扣和貴賓禮遇;
- 推廣業務、服務、產品、設施和其他事項(另請參閱下文“使用和轉移個人資料作直接促銷”);
- 就我們或他人提供的服務、產品、設施和其他事項進行調查、研究和分析,並匯編統計數據和資訊,以便制定我們的業務計劃和策略;
- 處理和調查投訴、糾紛和故障排除;
- 防止和偵測非法或可疑活動;
- 遵守對我們適用的任何法律、法規、法院命令、指示、守則或指引規定的責任(包括在香港境內或境外披露個人資料的責任),或遵守對我們行使權力的任何政府、監管或其他權力機構的要求或請求;
- 支援與我們營運有關的業務、技術、行政或保安功能;
- 保障和維護我們的利益、權利、財產和聲譽;及;
- 與任何上述直接有關的目的。
- 本集團之成員;
- 提供與本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)或與我們一般營運相關的行政、電訊、電腦、資訊科技、資料處理、資料儲存或其他服務或支援的任何代理人、承辦商或第三方服務供應商;
- 對我們負有保密責任的任何人士,包括我們的會計師,法律顧問或其他專業顧問;
- 如欠繳款項時,債務追討代理;
- 我們有責任或預期向其作出披露的任何法院、政府、監管或其他權力機構;及
- 任何閣下之緊急聯繫人。
- 我們有意使用閣下之姓名、聯絡詳情、服務和產品組合資料、喜好、習慣和財務背景作直接促銷。
- 直接促銷可涵蓋由帝譽服務有限公司及本集團其他成員所提供的下列一種或多種類別的服務、產品和事項:
- 香港及環球物業(包括住宅、辦公室、商業和工業建築物、商舖、酒店、購物中心、停車場、主題公園和觀望台);
- 物業管理、物業銷售及租賃和建築服務;
- 零售和消費產品及服務(包括一般消費產品、餐飲、書籍和文具、兒童用品、時裝和配飾、光學產品、手錶、珠寶、奢侈品、個人護理、保健和美容產品和服務、家居用品和家具、花店、運動器材和產品、電子產品和電器、雜貨店、便利店、超市、百貨店、電影院和劇院、文化及娛樂設施和活動,以及停車場設施);
- 保險、銀行和金融服務;
- 會籍、獎賞、激賞、會員、聯名品牌及/或貴賓禮遇計劃及相關服務、產品和活動;
- 電訊、電腦和資訊科技;
- 運輸基礎設施及港口、運輸及物流的運營和管理;
- 招聘和採購;
- 廢物管理及處置,以及其他與環境有關的業務;及
- 教育、慈善或非牟利性質事宜,以及與企業社會責任有關的活動。
- 我們有意將上文(a)段中描述閣下之個人資料轉移給本集團成員讓彼等作直接促銷及就上文( b ) 段中描述的各類服務、產品和事項向閣下發出直接促銷的資訊
閣下可以使用此手機應用程式的剔盒選項通知我們閣下就直接促銷的選擇。閣下可以隨時使用本智能手機應用程式 (SoProp)中的“設置”功能或致函我們的資料保障主任更改閣下的選擇。
根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)的規定,閣下有權要求查閱或改正本集團所持有閣下之個人資料。我們可能為處理查閱資料要求而收取不超乎適度的費用。倘若閣下需要查閱我們是否持有閣下之個人資料,又或者想查閱或改正閣下之個人資料,請閣下以書面電郵到 hongyip@hongyip.com 或郵寄到九龍觀塘巧明街95號世達中心16樓帝譽服務有限公司人力資源及行政部收。
Privacy Policy Statement
It is the policy of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, its subsidiaries and associated companies including Royal Elite Company Limited (collectively “we”, “us”, “our” or “the Group”), as one “Data User”, to comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong. The Group also strives to ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality.
The collection of any personal data collected will be subject to the Group’s Personal Information Collection Statement. If personal data is collected through this App (SoProp) or in the process of making enquiries or submitting applications for services provided by different operations within the Group, users are informed via the Personal Information Collection Statements of such purposes and uses, including the extent of transfer and disclosure and right of access to and correction of the collected data.
We use “session” to store and sometimes track information about users in order to provide them with customized and personalized service in this App (SoProp). The information collected by session includes user’s login name and his or her navigation pattern. This is done without the users being aware that it is occurring. Generally sessions are used to estimate audience size, to track users’ progress and number of entries in our promotional activities, to know the frequency of user’s browsing or using of individual services and to measure users’ traffic patterns.
The Group safeguards all information collected by this App (SoProp). Personal data is stored securely in the Group’s system and the Group will take all practicable steps to ensure that personal data is not kept longer than is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose (including any directly related purpose) for which the data is or is to be used. Only trained, authorized staff shall have access to the data, and the Group does not release personal data to parties outside the Group except as set out in the Group’s Personal Information Collection Statements.
The Group makes all reasonable effort and measures to protect the privacy of users, but you should be aware that no systems or measures can be guaranteed to provide perfect security, especially no information provided over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure.
Third party services and/or contents (the “Third Party Service”) provided by third party service providers and content providers (the “Third Party Service Providers”) may be accessable via this App (SoProp). These Third Party Service Providers may collect personal data from users and may have their own privacy policies. The Group’s Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement do not cover such third parties.
The Group from time to time may, through this App (SoProp), offer or deliver marketing and promotional information in relation to our shopping centres, insurance services, property development, leasing and management businesses and our Group’s other products, services, events, activities which we think may be of interest to users. Users can choose to receive such kind of direct marketing and promotional information at the time when you install this App (SoProp). For the purpose of promotion and direct marketing, user information will not generally be disclosed or transferred outside this App (SoProp) in a form that would identify a user, but if it will, we will specify what user information is collected, the purpose of collection and the extent of transfer at the time of transfer. If at any time you wish to change your decision on whether to receive those direct marketing materials, you can always do so through the “Setting” page in the App. Please read carefully the clauses in our Personal Information Collection Statement on the scope and other matters relating to direct marketing, and make your choice on direct marketing at your own free will.
For the "Mobile Pass" function, this mobile application will detect the users’ current locations in the background using the APIs provided by Apple or Google. Users’ locations information will not be sent out by this mobile application.
This Statement only applies to this App (SoProp). If you follow any hyperlink or promotional materials connecting to other websites, the protection of your personal data privacy and your exposure to cookies on those other websites are not our responsibility. Please refer to the privacy policy and the personal information collection statement of the relevant websites.
Users have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486). You have the right to request access to, or correction of, your personal data which is held by us. If you need to check whether we hold your personal data or if you wish to have access or correct your personal data, please write via e-mail to our Data Protection Officer at hongyip@hongyip.com or via mail to 16/F, World Tech Centre, 95 How Ming Street, Kwan Tong, Kowloon. We may charge a fee for processing a data access request which must not be excessive.
If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this statement, the English version shall prevail.
Personal Information Collection Statement
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, its subsidiaries and associated companies including Royal Elite Company Limited (collectively “we”, “us”, “our” or “the Group”), as one “Data User”, is committed to safeguard the data privacy of the users of this App (SoProp) (“you” or “user”). This statement is published in compliance with the requirements under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong (the “Ordinance”) to notify users of certain matters when collecting personal data This statement may change from time to time, so please check back periodically. Each time a user logs in to this App (SoProp) and uses its services, he or she agrees to be bound by the statement in force at that time. Throughout this statement, the term “personal data” shall bear the same meaning as defined in the Ordinance.
Some information, such as weather information, shown in this App (SoProp) is provided by third party content and services providers. This Personal Information Collection Statement does not cover third party content and services providers. Please refer to the Personal Information Collection Statement of these third party content and services providers to understand how they collect and use personal data.
The Group collects personal data of individuals in order to register them as users of this App (SoProp) and to provide personalised services and functions of this App (SoProp), such as “Catering” and “Facilities and Activities Booking” (“Personalised Property Management Services”).
When you use any of the Personalised Property Management Services, you may be asked to provide or update your personal data, such as name, telephone number, address and email address. We need this personal data for providing the selected Personalised Property Management Services. You are not obliged to supply the requested personal data but we may be unable to provide the Personalised Property Management Services if you do not supply the data.
If you are under the age of 18, you shall have your parent’s or guardian’s consent before you provide your personal data to us.
Personal data collected and held by the Group from time to time may be used for the following purposes:
- providing this App (SoProp) and registering you for using this App (SoProp);
- providing services, functions and features of this App (SoProp) including the Personalised Property Management Services, and handling your applications, requests and enquiries;
- property management and security, including verifying identity as and where necessary;
- processing billing and payment;
- monitoring use of this App (SoProp) to help its further development;
- sending notices, communications and maintaining contact for overall customer relationship management;
- providing and administering memberships, offers, rewards, promotions, gifts, discounts and privileges;
- promoting business, services, products, facilities and other matters (see also "Use and Transfer of Personal Data in Direct Marketing" below);
- conducting surveys, research and analysis relating to services, products, facilities and other matters offered by us or by others, and compiling statistics and information about them to facilitate our business planning and strategy;
- processing and investigating complaints, disputes and troubleshooting problems;
- preventing and detecting unlawful or suspicious activities;
- meeting obligations (including obligations to make disclosure of personal data within or outside Hong Kong) when required by any law, regulations, court order, direction, code or guideline applicable to us, or complying with demand or requests by any governmental, regulatory or other authorities exercising jurisdiction over us;
- supporting business, technical, administrative or security functions relating to our operations;
- safeguarding and defending our interests, rights, property and reputation; and
- any purposes that are directly related to any of the above.
User personal data will be kept confidential by us but we may disclose or transfer it to the following persons (whether in or outside of Hong Kong) for the purposes set out above:
- members of our Group
- any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, information technology, data processing, data storage, or other services or support in connection with this App (SoProp) or our general operations;
- any person under a duty of confidentiality to us including our accountants, legal advisers or other professional advisers;
- debt collection agencies in the event of default of payment;
- any court, governmental, regulatory or other authorities to whom we are under an obligation or are expected to make disclosure; and
- any of your emergency contacts.
You consent to transferring and holding your personal data outside Hong Kong.
We intend to use your personal data for direct marketing and we require your consent for that.
- We intend to use your name, contact details, services and products portfolio information, preferences, habits, and financial background for direct marketing.
- We intend to send you direct marketing information about one or more of the following classes of services, products and subject matters offered by Royal Elite Service Company Limited and other members of the Group:
- Hong Kong and worldwide properties (including residential, offices, commercial and industrial buildings, shops, hotels, shopping malls, car parking spaces, theme parks and observatory decks);
- property management, property sales and leasing, and construction services;
- retail and consumer products and services (including general consumer goods, food and beverages, books and stationery, children goods, fashion and accessories, optical products, watches, jewellery, luxurious goods, personal care, health and beauty products and services, home furnishing and appliances, florists, sports gear and products, electronic products and appliances, groceries stores, convenient stores, supermarkets, department stores, cinemas and theatres, cultural and entertainment facilities and activities, and car parking facilities);
- insurance, banking and financial services;
- membership, reward, incentive, loyalty, co-branding and/or privileges programs and related services, products and activities;
- telecommunications, computer and information technology;
- operation and management of transport infrastructure and ports, transport and logistics;
- recruitment and sourcing;
- waste management and disposal and other environmental-related business; and
- educational, charitable or non-profit making causes, and activities relating to corporate social responsibility.
- We intend to transfer your personal data described in paragraph (a) above to our Group members for them to conduct direct marketing and send you direct marketing information about the classes of services, products and subject matters described in paragraph (b) above.
You may communicate your choice on direct marketing to us by using the tick box in this App (SoProp). You may change your choice at any time using the "Setting" function in this App (SoProp) or by writing to our Data Protection Officer.
Under the Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data which is held by the Group. We may charge a fee for processing a data access request which must not be excessive. If you wish to check whether the Group holds your personal data or if you wish to access your personal data or correct any of your personal data which is inaccurate, you can contact the Group's Data Protection Officer at hongyip@hongyip.com or by post at 16/F, World Tech Centre, 95 How Ming Street, Kwan Tong, Kowloon.
If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this statement, the English version shall prevail.